What's New


Photo Album
What's New
Mitchell Talk
Mitchell Humor
Mitchell Calendar



May 4, 2002:  Added a couple of things this week. First, added a new story ... Larry, JR.'s ... a nice story from his Nana. Also, added a couple of things to the humor page, Kid's Point of View and Yes Dear. I think you'll get a kick out of these. 

That's about it.


April 28, 2002:   Ok .. Made some cool changes today! First off, the "regular" updates. 

I updated my Mom's Picture (Terry Conner) ... she's been nagging me to do this. I kinda liked the old picture ... she didn't ... so ... I updated it with the picture she sent me ... so ... I had to take THIS PICTURE off the web site ... she didn't like it     ;). 

I also added some pictures from last Easter at Jennifer's. Check them out.

Ok, now for the cool stuff. I added 2 new pages. The "Mitchell Humor" page (and then "Other Cool Stuff" under that). The "Other Cool Stuff" has a couple of neat things in it.  I expect these pages will grow the most. The 2nd page I added was the Mitchell Calendar. I think this is real cool! I put in as many Birthdays, wedding anniversaries and stuff that I could remember. Let me know if there are any to add. 

Last thing I did today was check my "Mitchell Talk" page and my "GuestBook" ... no new entries in either place ... seems silly for me to be the only one checking this site out? 

Well, that's it ... oh, before I forget ... as I keep updating this web site, it becomes more apparent that I could start missing things ... especially if I am trying to replace pictures ... so, if you see "something I missed" ... let me know. (I love this stuff!)

Oh yea ... got any humorous stories or pictures of any of our relatives!!! Let me know ... I would love to publish them (as long as it's not too bad!). Just got these naked pictures of Larry Jr. I've been wanting to publish! Check these out!

April 27, 2002:  Well, I added the Guest Book (got tired of wondering who has seen this site, and who hasn't.  If you haven't signed the Guest Book yet ... Please do.  I'm also interested in how many people know the answer to the "Question".  

I also added Mitchell Talk ... a Forum for us Mitchells to say what's on our mind!!!  (Let's keep it clean tho).  

April 13, 2002:  What's New?  Well, since I just put this Web Site  together a couple of weeks ago ...   THIS WHOLE WEB SITE IS NEW!!!!

Since then, tho, I have had a few people let me know of some changes that needed to be done.  

So ... 

    I've updated Destinations by taking off Hawaii ... since we really don't have anyone there ... Megan called me a liar for putting that there (I wasn't really lying .. I always wanted to live there).

     I changed the Backgrounds page and the Family Trees to be more visual (added the borders for pictures, etc.).  I also got some new pictures and stories from my Mom, Terry Conner and so I added those (Reed, Dody, and Ron Hansen).  I tried persuading my mom to get me a better picture of her by putting the one on the web site that is currently there ... Figure I'll be getting that soon enough.  You want to see it ... click here!  Now if that was your picture ... wouldn't you send me a new one?

    Tracy pointed out a couple of errors on the site as well. I did correct his Family Tree so that it no longer reflects that he fathered himself when he was 2 days old!  Woops.  I know Tracy was popular when he was young ... but that just didn't make since!!!  (By the way ... his picture is a bit exaggerated!  Don't believe he will ever send me a new, updated one!).  Check out Tracy's Picture.

    I've changed the layout of the Photo Album ... and added some pictures.  Check it out!


    I plan on changing the Destinations page ... I want to make it a World Map with Pins sticking out of it showing where we all live.  If you then click on it, it will drill down to a country, then state, then city map.  Should be cool!

    I want to rename my Background Page to something else.  Was thinking of "Mitchell Roots" - but it's more than that .. has stories and such.  If you have any ideas as to what I could rename it to ... please submit them to me.

    Also, Jasy (Kari's boy) writes some wonderful poetry.  I would like to start a "Jasy's Corner" page with his poetry.  You would all love it! 

    Finally, you may notice that I am missing some dates on the family trees as well as pictures.  Also, I am missing MANY family trees.  Please email me your changes.

    Do you have changes you would like to see?  Click the link below to  submit them to me.

        Email WebMaster